
Media Case Plan



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SW Smiling interview

Media Case Plan: The Basics
by Doug vanderHoof

Start at the intake interview. Families break up, photos get lost, people leave town, medical conditions change, unique events occur. Each of these is a lost opportunity to collect powerful images and make crucial records.

You may need to manage the public face of the case through releasing your own media to the press. One class action used my video in congressional hearings and it made it to the CBS Evening News.

So, make the most of your case by making the most of all the power of media. The defense, the mediator, the jury, they're all products of a culture that speaks in images through media.

Here are four groups of considerations

1. Your Case

Fact pattern

Schedule of casework
• Research, investigation
• Discovery
• Mediation
• Court

Theory of the case
• What will you prove?
• What effect will you have?

Car Crash reports and medical images

2. Target audiences, venues,
and presentations

• Mass media
• Illustrations for experts, fact witnesses
• Settlement brochure sent to the defense
• Presentations during mediation
• Courtroom presentations
Your presentation software

Helicopter view

3. Media you already have

• Medical images
• Police and expert reports
• Family archives of photos and video

Cosmetic surgery needle to eyelid

4. Media you'll create

Site views
Day in the Life
Settlement Video
• Electronic Press Kits (EPK)


Media Case Plan



Settlement Video

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773-394-0029 Call now for a winning media case plan.
content ©2015Doug vanderHoof